For more detailed information about our product, please contact us.

Coverage for

Low Coverage Mod Insurance

If you have an old model vehicle and cannot have insurance or if you drive your vehicle less, the Low Coverage Mod Insurance is an ideal insurance for you. In addition, the insurance holders who have Low Coverage Mod Insurance through HDI Sigorta and who do not have any damage are given a Level 1 no-claim discount if they renew their policy as “Extended Motor” after 1 year.

  • Burning of your vehicle
  • Theft of your vehicle
  • Strike, lockout, civil commotion and terrorism
  • Earthquake and other natural catastrophes
  • Flood and flash flood

Assistance Services Offered by Low Coverage Mod Insurance

  • Towing and Rescue Service
Other Services and Covers of Low Coverage Mod

Do not think that I have an old model vehicle and cannot have motor insurance. We offer you the ideal insurance.